You will be set up on with a special account with your credit card on file, which will be debited each week. There will be a detailed receipt with a list of the items and prices attached to every order delivered to your home.
We only collect data though the secure website or when you visit one of our locations.
No. You would expect to pay extra for this type of service but it does not cost a penny more than if you walked into any one of our many convenient retail locations.
We will provide a special tagged garment bag for customer identification. An additional bag will be provided so that you will always have a bag for the next pick up day. If two bags are not enough, just let us know and we will provide you with enough to meet your needs.
You can simply use any type of plastic bag such as a large trash bag. Anything will be fine. Just leave it out in your designated area with a note attached and we will handle the rest.
You can simply leave a detailed note or written instructions or e-mail your route representative, the email address can be found on the laminated tag attached to your bag.
You will be provided with a set schedule depending on the area that you live in, for example, Monday, Thursday or Tuesday, Friday. Text and/or email service remider available as well.
No. You just pick a designated area that you feel comfortable with and leave your order there to be picked up. Examples include your front porch, back porch or patio, garage or any storage area.
We will provide you with a door hanger that will hold your finished clothes. When we drop them off, we will simply put the packaged garments or household items back in the same place where we picked them up, or wherever you would like.
All of your garments and household items will be covered in our signature bags. When we set up the designated area for pick up and drop off, we will decide which one is best suited for that type of situation, whether we are delivering to your front or back porch with an overhang or your garage or storage area.
If your scheduled pick up and delivery day falls on one of the holidays when Bakker’s is closed, your service is skipped that day and resumes on the following scheduled day. If you have any questions about the holiday schedule, feel free to contact your driver or the office.